“B U I L D I N G   S U C C E S S   T O G E T H E R”

778 Rossland Ave, Trail, BC, V1R 3N3

250 364 2235             info@jbsbiz.ca           www.jbsbiz.net


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Best of Business Award Winner

for the West Kootenay Region



SILVER 2019, 2016, 2014 & GOLD 2012 WINNER



Have you ever thanked CRA for the timing of the “tax due date” of April 30th ?

 …  W H A T  ??

Being a student and just as your funds dwindle to zero, you can file your tax return and likely get a tax refund to carry you through to the end of your semester.  Not only is the timing somewhat fortunate, but CRA offers a unique tax design for you as a student in recognition of the commitment you are making to improve yourself (and society in general) that may yield more benefit to you than realized.  There are deductions, credits, carry-forwards and transfers that JBS will ensure are used to your advantage … and this will be completed at a discounted rate of up to 50% if you were studying full-time in a post-secondary institution for 8 months, so your preparation fee could be as little as 48 bucks. Receive a discount of at least 10% even if you were enrolled only part-time for even just a few months of the year. And other discounts between 10% & 50% apply for other combinations of type and time of study.

Things that likely need to be reported:

  • earned income from your job(s!)
  • grants and scholarship revenue
  • student loans and applicable interest expense
  • tuition fees
  • apprenticeship completion credits
  • moving (relocation) expenses
  • carry-forward of unused credits or transfer of unused credits

The JBS Tax Prep Challenge

JBS will meet any competitors pricing for standard returns for full-time students new to JBS.  By the way, our pricing for students as compared to equivalent tax preparing offices is on par (if not lower) – did you notice our discounts above?  Google it and see!  And be aware of the “fee” charged by tax preparation “discounter” services.  The “instant cash back” they offer will cost you 5% to 15% of your tax refund … so a $1,500 refund due to you may cost you up to $225 for preparation so you will only get $1,275 cash back.  Instead, if you have direct deposit (or set it up during tax prep if not already set-up), your full $1,500 refund will be in your bank account within 5 to 10 business days – no longer the month or two wait using snail mail. You’re a student … don’t you need every dollar? I have kids in post-secondary, that’s what they tell me anyway.